Friday, 10 April 2015

Life-Story that Inspires Me

            The individual lives are essentially filled with moments of optimism even though everyone moves ahead facing lots of hard times and personal difficult problems. In human society despite everyone being equal by birth later it turns out as unequal in the stratification and hierarchical classification. It is a story of a boy who found optimism in the midst of his apathy and injustice. Indian society is essentially united territorially as one unit and famously known for its ‘unity in diversity’, however it is broken into fragments along the lines of caste, class, race and gender. Such, stratification is essentially encoded severely from ancient times and practiced profoundly in social relations. The boy who was born as a lower caste, was treated unjustly with the practice of untouchability and was not accepted to be part of education. According to Manusmriti lower caste is not supposed to acquire knowledge as it was only a prerogative of the upper class Brahmins. He was denied to sit equally along with upper caste students and forced to sit in separately also he was not allowed to fetch water to drink in class, as the purity-pollution matrix was quite deeply encoded in social relations.

Despite such ill-treatment, he pursued his education and acquired his graduation. Later, with the assistance of humble beings, he got scholarship to study abroad in Columbia University along with several intellectual luminaries. And, his first paper was on “Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development”. He is none other than Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar who was the first ‘mahar’ to acquire higher education despite severe hierarchical stratification in society, also a ‘dalit’ who represented the status of lower caste people in Second Round Table Conference and architect of constitution of India. Life of Ambedkar gives the perfect example of optimism for our future. 


As we are mostly turned down in the midst of difficulties we face regularly. He did not fight just for his own rights rather for entire unjust stratification and classification of society in several lines. He fought against injustice and inequality which is constructed in human society. As for him it is through liberty, equality and fraternity human individuals can progress not along the strict pursuance of hierarchical division. This story reflects that optimism for our future that despite in the wake of innumerable adversities, we could find the hope and optimism to move ahead and even beyond. Mostly we give up in the moments of adversity, however, it is those difficult moments which need to be traversed to touch the pinnacle. Success doesn’t arrive spontaneously, it need not to be tailored through arduous hard work. Though, everyone is born equally society is classified along several lines, it can be overcome with through every individual passionate labor. We can derive optimism for our future from this story, as everyone can attain dreams, with their continuous pursuance of their passionate dream in their respective discipline. It is sheer following up their dreams, despite several odds. Optimism does not come from outside rather we need to discover it in midst of every individual difficulties and problems.

#LookUp #Ambedkar #Motivation

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