Wednesday, 18 June 2014

My Summer time...

Oh summer why are you so hummer,

Don’t rumble, I would crumple,
You are a crook, slaying us viciously

Oh summer you're so hotter,
You ploy our body water & desiccate us.

Oh my dear sun, how tactically you absorb from us!!
And how selfish you are humidifying us and rendering yourself,

Oh my dear sun, why are you taking revenge?
We are innocence child, we care for you, we love you.
But you are harming us… why such voracity ?

My Dear sun emission has been done by our sires,
We love you more than them,
But sorry we are unable to show our love to you.

My Dear sun, we have adopted sustainable development!!..
I would opine it's called SUSTAIN-ABLED DEVELOPMENT!!!!
We meant do whatsoever to sustain and develop..

Oh my dear sun, don’t knew what will happen?
You are taking revenge of our sires,
We are taking revenge of our sires,
In future our genex will take revenge of their sires..

The whole reciprocity is nothing but?
To revenge & avenge our own sires.

Oh my dear Sun you are the real son of our Mother Nature…
But I think you are better son in equivalence,
We did nothing leaving exploiting our mother,
U showed indicators but we kept unheeded.

Oh my dear Mother u gave us brothers & sisters,
But we never loved our cognates,
We only basked & savored never sought to conserve.

A simple “SORRY” would be tactical term to remorse,
And again our avengers would run cycle of revenge,
So the dilapidation is officially contrived,
So Ma Dear Sun ..You carry on your job..:)

Tactile: The Way to Hell

It’s an artificial elevated sidewalk,
Distinctly colored & structured in a cranny way, 
Tactiles discovered to assist & guide,
Take them away from solitary position to self-navigation,

Its an adroit dim technique to deceit,

Not barriers but erected tactiles.
Since, all tiles are the way to hell,
To reach safely, need to bypass them safely.

The terrain tract erected not to assist them,
But to misguide them & befool them.
It’s better to mould tactically & not getting befooled,
By tapping & knocking them blindly.

(To my friends Vivek Singh & Sujayakar Reddy)

Unsung Masses in Modern India Human Rights for Disabled Persons

“We don't need sympathy but need an opportunity”

              By virtue of being human beings, we are born with inherent dignity. But such dignity is not virtuously present with everyone. In India large chunk of disabled masses are living undignified, unequal and unjust lives. Even don’t acquire valuable participation in society on an equal basis with others as being characterized as pathological entities. The real problem is not the blindness or disability but institutional agencies working are blind. Every person is with their own different capacities or strengths which need to be attuned. Since everyone are neither especially blessed nor especially cursed.

              In the ambit of Human Rights for Disabled People, disability is a conviction that are most restricting and debilitating features in the lives of disabled people, which were not a necessary or inevitable consequence of living with impairment. The restrictions were socially and politically constructed and could therefore be changed by social and political means with sociolegal factors. It was two decades ago Government of India passed Persons with Disabilites (PwD) Act 1995, with the passage of time in spite of empowering provisions it remained darker side of same coin which remained woefully inadequate. Despite all these it failed to reach the disabled masses truly. Since there is no proper barrier-free transport facility, road or building environment even the assistive tactile around the pathways are purely way to hell. In 2007 UNCRPD (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities) finalized to protect and promote rights and dignity of persons with disability of persons, it reminded the remarkable shift needed in the attitudes and approaches to persons with disabilities.

            In modern era Human rights needed to be realized through advancements in technology and innovation as well as through progressive minds. Here 21st CE marks new era of sophisticated digital high-tech technology, need consonance with this changing environs. Here the future of modern India can be visualized blindly when we break the shackles and barriers of knowledge and disabilities.

Jovial Sun

Sunlight gleans every morn,
My Morny grin hails from daily dawn,
Naturally bracing stagnant stones..

Your beam gleams ma entirety
Induction of newfangled shafts to craft entire day..
That’s ma beautiful & adorable sun..
Oh sun don’t insulate under your shaft,
Your insulation would choke us,
Just snap us beneath your sunshine,

Why its constantly difficult to empathize you
You always been a puzzle!
Unable to solve & resolve you.

Quite faraway from ma thoughts,
Constantly propelling your beams!!
Entombing mercenary of your beams..
Ohh Sun u generously being ample,
You traits where akin as pedagogy,
Truly missing callous mannerism...

You fealty diffusing shades with your tiny tinge,
Making everyone to rewire & revive,
Purely eliminating the murky secession..

(The sun which burns... which churns... which runis... which revivs.. which cures... which vitalizes.. dedicating to that beautiful ablazing Sun..)

Didactics of our Pedegog ..

We have entered with our naiveness,
But I believe  we would leave with maturity,
We came as creatures, and  matured with your state of nature. 

We were unripened souls, but you molded us as gentle souls.
We were taught Indian philosophy to Western Philosophy..!!
But constantly maneuvered with  true ideal morals.

We were punctured tubes after boring long lectures,
But we became ignited souls with your witty and poetic gestures
We wished to catch your words, but always failed to reach your words,
Wandering around our missed & dropped words.
But we strained to match your stormy pace..

Your words are like of Moses' 10 Commandments.
Which we truly followed.
Your instructions are akin to our almighty last verdict,
Which we can’t alter or interpolate.

Sometimes we feel we are hearing spell form our almighty,
But stricken with your astounding words..
You play with words like a little kid,
But in the end your are the winning kid with surprising words.

I have never savored any Bengali Sandesh…!!
But I would challenge it wouldn’t be as savory as your gags

Its your session where in our entire day, we truly laugh with happiness
Then the entire day is normal as usual.
We heed your teachings cursorily as dictated Owls,
But sudden gags make it more like awakened owls.

Nothing just wanna say you are a true pedagog,
From whom I have greatly got inspired.
Thanks is an acknowledgment of appreciation..
But I don’t know how to appreciate your instructions,
You enter as a prophet  and then we attain divine instruction with your magical spell..

To my beloved Prof Roy sir.