Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Didactics of our Pedegog ..

We have entered with our naiveness,
But I believe  we would leave with maturity,
We came as creatures, and  matured with your state of nature. 

We were unripened souls, but you molded us as gentle souls.
We were taught Indian philosophy to Western Philosophy..!!
But constantly maneuvered with  true ideal morals.

We were punctured tubes after boring long lectures,
But we became ignited souls with your witty and poetic gestures
We wished to catch your words, but always failed to reach your words,
Wandering around our missed & dropped words.
But we strained to match your stormy pace..

Your words are like of Moses' 10 Commandments.
Which we truly followed.
Your instructions are akin to our almighty last verdict,
Which we can’t alter or interpolate.

Sometimes we feel we are hearing spell form our almighty,
But stricken with your astounding words..
You play with words like a little kid,
But in the end your are the winning kid with surprising words.

I have never savored any Bengali Sandesh…!!
But I would challenge it wouldn’t be as savory as your gags

Its your session where in our entire day, we truly laugh with happiness
Then the entire day is normal as usual.
We heed your teachings cursorily as dictated Owls,
But sudden gags make it more like awakened owls.

Nothing just wanna say you are a true pedagog,
From whom I have greatly got inspired.
Thanks is an acknowledgment of appreciation..
But I don’t know how to appreciate your instructions,
You enter as a prophet  and then we attain divine instruction with your magical spell..

To my beloved Prof Roy sir.

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